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A member registered Sep 04, 2021

Recent community posts

Needs an emergency mute button. I can't fumble around with the volume. 馃榿

I panicked and missed the clickes in Noriko's room when themc said he had to be quick. 馃槀

Tan谋m fark谋ndan bahsetmiyorum. Oyunun amac谋 ve oynan谋艧 艧ekli ayn谋 diyorum. 

Peace ful Vikings? Ppl who are famous for their Battle Axes and Plundering and Village burning stores? 馃槀

Plague Simulator'un merdiven alt谋 眉retimi mi bu? 馃槀

Is every encounter in the game a male?  I've been playing for almost a day and haven't seen a female yet. Also, i've been fighting... a lot and my stats are improving or at least thats what the green texts says but when i check my character  profile stas are at their lowest, Weakest wtv? 

You were able to stalk them for 7 months? 馃槀

Ayo, what is it about? There are no pictures or a description. 

Her face ruined it for me idk.